I thought I’d share a project with you that I am in the middle of. My son had this bookcase in his room and it’s a bit boring for an almost-teenage boy.
So, I ordered a cheap bundle of superhero comics from ebay and set about covering the bookcase. My lovely husband spent ages helping me by cutting out the pictures while I glued them down. This is as far as we got by the time the usual Sunday night routine interrupted us.
I just used PVA glue to stick them down, and then coated them again in PVA to hold them in place.
I’m hoping to finish gluing the pictures down tomorrow and then I will coat it in another coat or two of watered down PVA glue, and then once dry we can fill it with his books again.
This side is pretty complete so you can get an idea of how it will look.
Here is a view of inside the top shelf.
Will post some more photos when I’ve finished it.